Every year I meet some Crested Butte friends for a weekend of big rides. These are guys I rode with in the 90's when I lived out there. One friend, Chris is the voice of reason, he's sensible and realistic, and he had a legitimate concern about the weather. I was really looking forward to a weekend in the mountains so I waited to hear what my other friend Kevin thought. So I loaded up my van and headed west, the drive started with a strange omen when I followed a guy on a motorcycle down the diagonal. He popped into a very confident wheelie and then rode it for a solid minute and a half while I filmed him. I kept driving, the domestic clutter of the front range fell away behind me and I knew I was nearing my destination when the aptly named Mt. Massive came into view. Despite my driving while taking photos, I made it to the crest of Monarch pass. There I noticed a police car and a sparkly orange Harley parked facing the wrong way. As I got closer I could see sparkly orange p...